Wednesday 6 July 2011

The Crossroad

A year back , I could go on talking about my love for psychology , I could spend endless hours convincing friends and family that I had taken the right decision and I wanted to be a psychologist . I was happy and contented with what I was doing . My future plans were arranged on a well decorated platter and were served to anyone who ordered for it . I completed my first year with a smile and now I am sitting on my bed with the incomplete jigsaw puzzle that happens to be a mixture of happiness and ambitions . A month ago when i came home for my summer break , I took over our kitchen and from here it all starts ! The little chef in me grew bigger and bigger with each successful delicacy . I found my self baking breads, tarts and pastries . I used to get up each morning with a recipe book in my hand and a ladle in another . I checked my browsers history and found nothing of psychological interest and all I found was links to recipes . I could imagine myself  having a restaurant of my own , with brilliant interiors and excellent music , serving the best breads , pastas and cakes in Delhi . 
And now I am tantalized with confusion . In front of me lie two crossroads . Both equally luring , both equally enticing , both equally rewarding but I have to choose one , I cant walk on both of them . All that plays in multiple loops in my mind is Robert Frost's poem 

     "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth"

1 comment:

  1. You already know which road to take, the one that follows your heart! :)
